Terms of purchase
1. General
These Terms of Purchase set out the terms that apply when you purchase any of our physiotherapy services advertised on this website, located at the domain “sportsphysiohwb.co.uk” and on all sub-domains, folders and sub-folders of this domain (the “Website”).
We agree to provide the physiotherapy services including any assessment, diagnosis, advice or treatment programme (“Physiotherapy Services” or “Online Physiotherapy Service”) to you in return for a fee subject to the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions of Purchase which forms the agreement between you and Us.
These Terms and Conditions of Purchase includes the entire understanding between you and Us and replace any previous arrangements We may have had with you unless specifically stated otherwise. Except for those terms implied by law, which cannot be excluded and any other terms specifically incorporated by reference – no other terms apply.
These Terms and Conditions of Purchase are specifically for our online physiotherapy services. Please do not use our services if you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
You indicate that you consent to these Terms and Conditions of Purchase in full by purchasing any Physiotherapy Services from the Website.
​Please note that We alter these Terms and Conditions of Purchase from time to time, and you must review this document before each purchase. This document was last changed on 7th October 2024.
2. Definitions
These Terms and Conditions of Purchase are incorporated into the Terms of Use of Our Website. Please note all words capitalised are defined in the Terms of Use unless specifically defined herein.
3. Clients under 18 years of age
We require written consent from your parent or legal guardian if you are younger than 18 years of age who must also agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions of Purchase Agreement. They must further provide proper supervision in relation to the provision of information to Us and provide proper supervision in relation to your use of the Online Physiotherapy Service. All written communication with patients under the age of 18 will be via their parent or guardian’s email address.
4. Purpose and nature of the Online Physiotherapy Services
You acknowledge that –
no online service is a perfect substitute for an “in person” consultation with a physiotherapist;
and as with “in person” consultations, We are unable to guarantee that our treatments will result in a cure of your particular complaint or condition. We recommend treatments that We believe are likely (based upon our experience and training) to be effective, but We cannot guarantee results.
5. Suitability of Our Physiotherapy Services
We reserve the right to terminate these Terms and Conditions of Purchase at any time for any reasons, which may include: limitations on insurance, your breach of any of the terms associated with the Online Physiotherapy Services, non-compliance with the Specifications, or where We have evaluated / assessed your condition and We believe that We are unable to provide an acceptable treatment online, in which case We will not provide the Physiotherapy Services.​
6. Provision of information by you
The quality and success of the Online Physiotherapy Services is reliant upon the information that you provide to Us. In this regard, you agree to provide Us with:
accurate and complete information in response to Our online questionnaires and any follow up questions which We may ask of you either in writing or via a video conversation on the Internet; and
any information which could reasonably be expected to be relevant to your condition or treatment.
7. Provision of Online Physiotherapy Services by Us
We agree to provide you with a written document containing your treatment programme or other requested information via email within 12 hours of completing your full evaluation unless agreed otherwise. We will also send you periodic prompts to your email address as part of the treatment programme.
8. Using Our Physiotherapy Services
Do not implement Our treatment programme or act on any advice unless you fully understand it. Ask any questions before implementing the treatment programme or advice provided by Us.
You must not provide Our treatment programme to any other person. We assume no duty of care in relation to any third party.
9. Rescheduling an appointment
More than 24 hours before appointment starts
You can reschedule an appointment at no cost if you do it more than 24 hours before the appointment is due to start. You will find the link to reschedule an appointment in the confirmation email that was sent to you when you made the booking. Let us know if you have any trouble finding it.
Less than 24 hours before appointment starts
You can't reschedule an appointment less than 24 hours before it is due to start. See below for missed appointments.
10. Cancellations & Refunds Policy
More than 24 hours before appointment starts
You can cancel an appointment and get a full refund if you do it more than 24 hours before the appointment is due to start. You will find the link to cancel an appointment in the confirmation email that was sent to you when you made the booking. Let us know if you have any trouble finding it.
The refund will be processed by us by the end of the next business day and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address linked to your account. Please note that PayPal and Square can take up to 10 working days to process a refund.
​Less than 24 hours before appointment starts
You will not receive a refund if you cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before it is due to start. Please email us or send us a message through our contact form if you wish to cancel anyway.
Missed appointments
You will not be entitled to a refund if you miss your appointment. It is your responsibility to check the booking confirmation email to ensure that the appointment time is correct.
Treatment packages and gift certificates
Please see Section 11 below.
If your delivered Online Physiotherapy Service does not conform to the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015, We will be happy to issue a credit or refund.
11. Purchase and use of packages and gift certificates
Expiration dates
Treatment packages and gift certificates expire 12 months after date of purchase. This means that you have up until the 365th day to use your package or certificate code. You are able to book appointments up to 3 months into the future as long as you make the booking before the 12 months are up. The furthest ahead that you can book an appointment is 3 months.
For example:
If your code is due to expire today, you can use it to book an appointment for any time in the next 3 months.
If your code expired yesterday, you will not be able to use your code to schedule more bookings.
Package and gift certificate refunds when the code has not yet expired
You can ask for a full refund of the package or gift certificate amount if no appointments have been used, cancelled late (see below), and missed. Please email us at sportsphysiohwb@gmail.com or contact us via our contact form if you would like a refund.
If some of the appointments have been used and you would like the remaining appointments to be refunded, you will lose the discount benefit. For both packages and gift certificates, the full price of a regular appointment will be deducted for each used, missed, and late cancelled (see below) appointment, and the remaining balance will be refunded.
Please email us or contact us if you would like a refund. Refunds can only be provided to the person who purchased the package or gift certificate. The refund will be processed by us by the end of the next business day and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address linked to your account. Please note that PayPal and Square can take up to 10 working days to process a refund.
Package and gift certificate refunds after expiration date
You will not receive a refund if your package or gift certificate is past its expiration date.
Rescheduling package and gift certificate appointments
More than 24 hours before appointment starts
You can reschedule an appointment if you do it more than 24 hours before the appointment is due to start. You will find the link to reschedule an appointment in the confirmation email that was sent to you when you made the booking. Let us know if you have any trouble finding it.
Less than 24 hours before appointment starts
You can't reschedule an appointment less than 24 hours before it is due to start. See below for missed appointments.
Cancelling package and gift certificate appointments
More than 24 hours before appointment starts
You can cancel an appointment if you do it more than 24 hours before the appointment is due to start. This will not affect the balance of remaining consultations on the package or gift certificate. You will find the link to cancel an appointment in the confirmation email that was sent to you when you made the booking. Let us know if you have any trouble finding it.
​Less than 24 hours before appointment starts
If you cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before it is due to start, the consultation will be deducted from the remaining balance of consultations on your package or gift certificate. Please email us or send us a message through our contact form if you wish to cancel anyway.
​Missed package and gift certificate appointments
Missed appointments will be deducted from the remaining balance of consultations on the package or gift certificate. It is your responsibility to check that the appointment time is correct in the booking confirmation email you receive and to contact us immediately if you do not receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes of booking your appointment.
12. Liability
We will not be liable for any loss or damage (in contract negligence or otherwise) where:
there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed to you by Us;
the loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach; or
any loss or damage or increased risk of loss or damage results from a breach or non-compliance by you of Our terms including but not limited to these Terms and Conditions of Purchase such as you providing inaccurate or incomplete information.
In particular, We are not liable for:
any loss of your emotional well-being including, but not limited to, any embarrassment caused;
any loss of income or anticipated profits;
any loss of opportunity;
loss of goodwill or injury to reputation;
losses suffered by third parties; or
any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the Online Physiotherapy Service, regardless of the form of action.
To the extent that We are not able to exclude Our liability to You in accordance with the applicable law, We limit our liability to the re-performance of the relevant Online Physiotherapy Services, or a full refund unless We specifically agree with you otherwise.
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions of Purchase excludes or limits Our liability for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects Your statutory rights.
13. Use of the Online Physiotherapy Service outside of the United Kingdom
We make no claims or representations that the Online Physiotherapy Services may be lawfully used outside the United Kingdom. Unless otherwise expressly stated or agreed, the Online Physiotherapy services are directed solely at patients who receive the Online Physiotherapy Services from within the United Kingdom. If you choose to access or use the Online Physiotherapy Services from outside of the United Kingdom you do so at your own risk.
14. Governing law
These Terms of Purchase and all the documents incorporated herein are governed by and construed in accordance with English Law. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
15. Specifications (what you will need)
You agree to have the following in place to enable us to provide you with Online Physiotherapy Services:
good working Internet connection;
necessary microphone / headphones / camera or similar equipment;
Zoom application unless We have agreed with you to use a different application or platform.
We do not accept any liability in the event that you are unable to comply with the Specifications set out above.
16. Use of discount codes
You can only use one discount code per consultation.
17. Confidentiality
Anything clients share with a physiotherapist is regarded confidential, whether it is business or personal information. The physiotherapists undertake not to, at any time, (unless required to do so by law), either directly or indirectly, use or disclose any information the client shares with them during their sessions.
18. Recording Consultations
We do not record our consultations and we ask that you don’t record it without asking for your physiotherapist’s consent. Your physiotherapist has the right to say no to your request, in which case we ask that you don’t record it.
If, with your physiotherapist’s consent, you do record a consultation, you agree to take full responsibility for the security of that recording, including but not limited to keeping it secure from unauthorised access and distribution. You further agree that you will not hold SP Hwb Ltd., trading as Sports Physio Hwb, or any of the physiotherapists who provide services through the Website liable should the video be lost, or accessed by anyone other than yourself.